Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What's IN?

Many of you are probably all wondering the same thing, or have asked yourselves the same question. "What is IN this summer?" Well, luckily for you, I have the scoop!!

This season's Make-up is all about COLOUR. Play around with it and have FUN!
BOLD lips, Fuchsia and Orange are big ones. Fun for the day, or also a night out. Bright colours not your thing? Don't worry, Burgundy is also a big hit, especially for a night out. However, if you are going for a bold lip, try to keep the rest of your make-up colours to a minimum, try a neutral eye but apply mascara or false eyelashes to make them "pop".

BRIGHT eyes!! Orange, Green, Turquoise, Purple, Pink & Green, all of which are colours that will enhance your eyes and make them stand out! If you are comfortable enough doing this, make sure you keep your lips to a neutral colour, or a light pink. Add a bit of Blush for rosy cheeks and you're set to make heads turn!! 
Not into the bright colours? That's ok too. Try just a regular smokey eye, or try a smokey eye using different shades of colours. Smokey eyes are always in! 

Wavy Hair!! Look like you are always at the beach with a tousled look. Blake Lively, Mary-Kate & Ashley & Nicole Richie are all beautiful women who are known for there tousled locks. Try getting this look by spritzing a volumizing gel (I love Herbal Essences, Tousle me Softly Spraying Gel) in your wet hair. Blow dry with your defuzzer with hair flipped over so you are looking at the ground while blow drying for extra volume. When dry, you can apply a mousse for extra hold if you would like. (I usually tend to skip this step.) With a curling iron, take big sections of hair and lightly curl, OR take your rounded straightener and just fold hair over the curled edges, creating a "wavy" effect. Another great tool to use would be using a Triple Barrel Curling Iron, which would probably be the easiest and fastest way to get this look. (I need to purchase one of those!!!!!) 
Some other hairstyles that are in this Summer are: Messy buns, Ballerina Buns (Prime & Proper top knots are HUGE),  BRAIDS!!!!! (Messy ones, Around Face, Fishtails & Waterfalls are big ones.) And last but not least, Wild Curls. 

As for your Nails... Nudes with a high-gloss, Tiffany Blue, Peachy Keen Pink, Lavender, Greys and don't forget about Crackle!!!! 

Whats your favorite things to wear this summer?
Top knots & Bright Colours,
free glitter text and family website at

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