Sunday, February 12, 2012

Got my Oatifix!

There is nothing more that I love then to do a little pampering to myself with a little Lush. Mmm oh how I love that store!! How you can still smell the store even though it is right beside the food court in the mall.
Every time I walk in, I instantly have a huge smile on my face. There must be something in the aroma of scents that catches me every time. haha

Today I decided to do a little pampering, and I used Lush's Oatifix natural face mask. Mmmm!!!!!! With oats, crushed almonds and banana's, perfect for this time of the year!! The banana's will help hydrate your skin, the oats help calm your skin and the almonds will gently exfoliate!

Overall, this would be one of my top 3 face masks by Lush. Not only does it smell soooo good, but it makes your face feel smooth and hydrated after. :)

If you haven't already tried this mask and are lucky enough to have a Lush location close to home, I HIGHLY recommend you try this!!! Did I mention it smells SUPER DUPER good?! Ohhhh and even if you have sensitive skin you can use it! WOWZA!

Oats and mashed banana's,
free glitter text and family website at


  1. This sounds pretty good!

    1. Ohhh it is!! If you have a Lush store close by you, I suggest you try this!! Another one of my fav's is the cupcake mask... Mmmm!!! haha :)

  2. Sounds really really good. I may have to try this ;) x
